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 "CNN attention model for video capturing" and add some images and statistics related to Traffic Management for Emergency Services.
 "CNN attention model for video capturing"
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about 2 hours ago
¿Podrías darme ideas de servicios que se puede ofr...

Claro, aquí tienes algunas ideas de servicios que se pueden ofrecer dentro de un consultorio de psicología:

  1. Terapia individual: Ofrecer sesiones de terapia individualizada para tratar problemas em...
about 2 hours ago
I need help with my psychology thesis. Recommend m...

Sure! Here are three scientific articles that address the topics you mentioned:

  1. Article on the definition of creativity: Title: "Defining Creativity: Finding Clarity in a Confusing Concept" Author...
about 2 hours ago
DRUG TESTING<div><br></div>

Drug testing is a process that involves analyzing a person's biological specimen, such as urine, blood, saliva, or hair, to detect the presence of drugs or their metabolites. It is commonly used in va...

about 4 hours ago
what are Smart technologies on Campuses for Food R...

Smart technologies on campuses for food recovery to achieve sustainability refer to the use of advanced technological solutions to reduce food waste and promote sustainable practices in the management...

about 4 hours ago
what are Smart operations on Campuses for Food Rec...

Smart operations on campuses for food recovery to achieve sustainability involve implementing efficient and technology-driven approaches to reduce food waste and redistribute surplus food. Some exampl...

about 4 hours ago
what are Smart operations on Campuses for Dining S...

Smart operations on campuses for dining services procurement to achieve sustainability can include the following:

  1. Local and sustainable sourcing: Procuring food from local farmers and suppliers wh...
about 4 hours ago
what are Smart technologies on Campuses for Dining...

Smart technologies on campuses for dining services procurement can help achieve sustainability by:

  1. Digital Menu Boards: Using digital menu boards instead of printed ones reduces paper waste and al...
about 4 hours ago
I can't see reference number on that

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