Write a free verse poem entitled “My ocean-eyed love”

My ocean-eyed love, with depths so vast and mysterious, I am lost in the currents of your gaze.

Your eyes, like the sea, hold secrets untold, whispering tales of forgotten lands, of shipwrecks and treasures buried deep.

In their cerulean depths, I find solace and tranquility, as if I were floating on gentle waves, embraced by the ebb and flow of your love.

Oh, how your eyes reflect the sky, ever-changing, like the tides, from stormy gray to serene blue, mirroring the emotions that reside within you.

When I gaze into your ocean eyes, I am swept away by their intensity, like a sailor caught in a tempest, helpless against the power they possess.

But in their depths, I find serenity, a calmness that washes over me, as if I were standing on a deserted shore, listening to the rhythmic melody of the waves.

My ocean-eyed love, your gaze is my compass, guiding me through the storms of life, leading me to shores unknown.

And as long as I am lost in your eyes, I will willingly drown in their depths, for it is there that I find my truest self, and discover the boundless depths of our love.